Sunday, April 15, 2012

Primetime - A Novel

Primetime: A Novel explores the idea of celebrity through the viewpoint of a grocery manager in a small Midwestern town. Sam must deal with newfound celebrity after he is the lone survivor of a rare drive by shooting in little Waukaponeda, Michigan. He describes employees, customers, conversations and his own dealings with survivor’s guilt, to come to an understanding and an acceptance of what celebrity and fame really means, especially in small town, America.
Sam’s struggles with customers nearly daily who scam, threaten, are mentally unstable, drunk, illiterate and simply stinky, as well as employee’s harassment and unprofessionalism. Primetime also gives an insider’s view of aspects of the grocery business that shoppers do not know, realize or may appreciate. Even his love life are victims of the shooting and Sam must come to terms with previous relationships.
Just like working in retail, the novel is at times funny, heart-warming, romantic, offensive, but you always leave with a smile.
And yes, Primetimeis inspired by true events and actual people.
About the Author:
I have worked 10 years as a grocery clerk working nearly every position at one time or another. My time in retail and working halfway through mu Graduate Degree inspired me to explore writing and was where I wrote the first novel to be accepted as a Graduate Thesis paper at Andrews University. There is no topic that I won’t explore except wizards, as that ship has sailed but I do enjoy taking a topic and looking at it from a new angle and blurring the lines between fact and what is fiction. My passion for listening to people and watching their body language has been an influential aspect in my writing, whether or not it was passion, taught from my police officer father or done out of survival, hard to say.
You can follow him:
on Twitter: @Brian_AHarrison

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